Tag Archives: Equity Release Providers

Is It Hard Releasing Equity From Your Home?

It is not at all hard to release equity from your home under the given market conditions. Releasing equity from your home can be a straight forward event under the right advice from brokers or independent financial advisers. It is important that you seek advice only from the qualified and approved independent financial advisers. They can help and guide you in understanding all the key features as well as the associated risks related to the different equity release schemes regulated by the Equity Release Council.

The eligibility for taking an equity release on your home in not difficult. You must be at least 60 year old for opting a home reversion plan, however the minimum age for lifetime mortgages is defined as 55 years by most of the equity release providers. You must also own a home in UK, which is in reasonable state and free from any outstanding mortgage.

If the house is under some shared arrangement with your spouse or partner then the equity release can be taken jointly by the consent of both the partners. Moreover, in joint occupancy cases, the age of the youngest homeowner must be at least 55 years. The process starts by fixing an appointment with a financial independent adviser or broker. Financial adviser will recommend you some equity release schemes depending on your individual requirement and financial state.

The application process for releasing equity from your home starts by filling an application form with the help of your financial adviser. He will also help you to submit the form to an equity release provider along with the required fees. The equity release provider will appoint a RICS qualified surveyor to visit your home and do the valuation of your property after your application form is received.

An offer will be made to you stating the amount that can be borrowed and your solicitor will help you understand all the legal terms and conditions attached to it. You as well as your solicitor will be required to sign the acceptance form and send it back to the equity release provider. After completing all the legal checks and formalities, the equity release provider will release the funds to your solicitor who will assist you to get the money transferred in your account.

If I Release Equity, who is responsible for the maintenance of the house?

Equity release schemes can offer an important option to people who are looking to increase their cash flow and at the same time retain their home. If you are considering a home equity release, it is important to understand exactly what it entails and seek professional advice regarding the different policies available.

General information about equity release plans is widely available on the internet. There are many equity release FAQs available online, and this can give you a basic idea of what equity release means, as well as the associated benefits and risks. However, it is necessary to take advice from an independent financial expert about the specifics.

An independent financial adviser who has specialist knowledge about equity release plans and home equity release will have up to date information about different products and providers, as well as about which product is suitable for your particular situation. Another important factor is that an independent advisor has no affiliations to equity release providers and can therefore give far more impartial advice.

An equity release mortgage is a loan taken against the value of the house. Both home reversion loans, as well as lifetime mortgage equity release loans, need to be repaid to the lender once the house is sold. However, the house can only be sold after the owner has died or moved out and into permanent care. In case of joint applicants, this is done after the second applicant has died or moved into care.

When it comes to ownership, there is one key difference between lifetime mortgages and home reversion equity release plans. Home reversion involves selling part of the house and lifetime mortgage involves taking a loan against the house. As such, in home reversion the ownership of the house is transferred to the lender, and in lifetime mortgage, full ownership remains with the borrower. In both cases, the applicant is fully responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the house.

There are many equity release providers and increased competition in the market has resulted in more competition and better rates for customers. Also, improved and more flexible home equity release products are now available compared to mortgages available until a few years back. You can compare different equity release products on websites such as equity release supermarket.

Which solicitors can process my Equity Release Application?

The decision to take out an equity release mortgage is not a small one. It has major implications on your life, and as such, the decision should be taken with careful consideration, and with the help of expert advice. Fortunately, as the equity release market has matured over time, it has also become safer for consumers with independent regulatory bodies committed to maintain high safe practice standards.

Safe Home Income Plans is an independent trade body that aims to ensure transparency and consumer safety in the context of equity release plans. SHIP approved equity release providers adhere to certain rules that are designed to maintain transparent communication to consumers, as well as safety measures such as the no negative equity guarantee.

There are certain procedures that need to be followed while applying for an equity release mortgage on your house. Procedures include valuation and completing the application process as per required terms, which can be done by professional solicitors. There are solicitors that specialise in equity release schemes, and can therefore ensure that everything goes smoothly.

The role of a solicitor in the process of getting an equity release is not just to guide you through the paperwork, but more importantly, to guide you through the potential risks and rewards of equity release in your specific context. A solicitor who is an expert in equity release will have up to date knowledge about different options suitable for your particular circumstances. It is therefore vital to find an expert solicitor who knows the equity release market.

Some specialist solicitors firms have formed an independent charter known as the equity release solicitors’ alliance or ERSA. The objective behind this alliance is to uphold the importance of expert and specialist advice within the field of equity release mortgages and also to increase awareness of the public regarding this. If you require guidance about equity release in general or about specific equity release schemes and their suitability, it is necessary to take advice from an expert in the field.

While there may be a lot of information available on various platforms, such as the internet, when it comes to financial products such as an equity release mortgage, it is important to seek information from genuinely impartial sources. An independent financial adviser or solicitor can give fair and unbiased advice about a product, unlike any party affiliated with a particular provider or company.

What are the early repayment charges on equity release schemes?

Equity release mortgages are financial products, essentially loans, that allow you to free up the equity tied into your home. For those who own a real estate property and require a supplementary income, this type of loan can be the right option. This is especially true of pensioners who have a house but often require additional cash flow for a better lifestyle, medical expenses etc. There are many different types of equity release schemes, and choosing the right one requires proper understanding of the concept, as well as proper guidance.

As equity release mortgages have become more and more popular, they have also evolved and improved over time. Today, there are not only a greater number of equity release providers in the market but also a great variety in terms of the type of equity release plans. Equity release plans have also become more flexible to suit people in a wider variety of circumstances. Something that was not available a few years back may now have become accessible.

If you already have an equity release mortgage, it may be worth your while to explore the market and see whether there are better options available for you. Switching to a new lender may have several advantages, from lower interest rates to more flexible terms of lending. However, switching your equity release is not always a straightforward process. Before applying for a new loan, it is important to understand all the equity release risks associated with your existing mortgage.

Many lenders charge an early repayment penalty on their equity release mortgages. This changes from lender to lender and also varies with different mortgages. But it could be as low as 5% to as high as 25% of the total amount that is borrowed. These penalties are put in place to protect the lender from losses made on interest when a debt is repaid ahead of term. While ERCs were common until a few years ago, a more competitive market has led to many lenders scrapping this policy.

Sometimes an equity release remortgage with an alternate lender could help make huge savings, however, high early repayment penalties could cancel out any saving and make it economically unviable. In other cases it could still be viable notwithstanding a seemingly high ERC! As always, it is useful to consult a financial adviser, with expertise in the field of equity release mortgages, to help you make the right choice.

Lets Start with the Background History to Equity Release

Equity release schemes have increased in demand with the elderly generation not just in the UK, but all over the world. These schemes have come a long way since their introduction back in the mid 1960’s. However, this hasn’t been without its problems & adverse press coverage.

The stigma of the elderly generation having been fleeced by the Shared Appreciation Schemes (SAM’s) back in the 1990’s still lingers. However, important steps have been taken to clean the image of equity release schemes. This has been led by FSA (Financial Services Authority) regulation of both lifetime mortgages & more latterly home reversion schemes have come under its wing. The current front runner in hailing the equity release cause is SHIP (Safe Home Income Plans).

Launched in 1991, SHIP has laid down a code of conduct that all equity release providers must follow to be a member of their trade body. SHIP is the representative of the equity release market in terms of promotion & statistics covering members which include the main providers of lifetime mortgages and home reversion plans.

Now confidence has been restored, equity release schemes have become a mainstay of providing financial freedom in allowing people over the age of 55 to utilise their main asset. These equity release schemes enable citizens to spend their retirement days in peace by way of providing a tax free capital lump sum or an income for life.

How do these schemes usually work?

Different schemes offer different amounts but the basic principles remain the same. The three options are a one-off cash lump sum, drawdown facility from which you can take ad-hoc payments when required or an income for life. The most popular route these days for financial & flexibility reasons are the drawdown equity release schemes. These schemes give the amount to you in regular instalments as per your convenience.

The most crucial of all conditions that a prospective client should fulfil is that they must have little or no outstanding mortgage. Based on a combination of age & property value will determine how much can be raised. If a mortgage is in force, then as a minimum, this calculation must cover the outstanding mortgage amount. However, for many a further lump sum maybe required for additional expenses such as home improvements, new car, holidays or gifting to the children.

It is always wise to be on the lookout as only then will you get the best deal available in the market. Analyse and evaluate your overall financial position before you jump into any equity release scheme, making sure to choose the one that gives you the most advantages. Consult an equity release specialist who can assess the whole of the equity release market & provide independent advice. Such companies that are major brokerages in UK equity release schemes are: –

• Equity Release Supermarket

• Compare Equity Release.com

• EquityRelease2go.com

For contact details on all these equity release advisory services call our dedicated freephone number on 0800 678 5159